01 April 2021


_________|Translation in Motion OPEN CALL


RESIDENCIES for translators from the WESTERN BALKANS__________________________________________|



POETEKA, partner with the RECIT network and the Translation in Motion consortium of Translation Residencies, is delighted to invite literary translators from European Union countries working out of Albanian into any EU LANGUAGE to apply for a translation residency in Tirana, Albania.  


Application deadline: April 30th 2021.  

The residences are scheduled to take place between September / October / November 2021.  


Application  and selection: To apply, candidates  are invited to send a letter of interest outlining their reasons for applying for the residency in Tirana; why they want to take part and what they hope to get out of it; a description of the literary translation project they will work on during the residency; and a CV including a list of publications.  

Please send your application to infopoeteka@gmail.com, with Translation in Motion residency as the subject of your message. 

The deadline for applications is Friday 30th April 2021. POETEKA and the Steering Committee of the Translation in Motion consortium will make the selection,  with  results  announced  by  15th  May  2021,  through https://poeteka.blogspot.com, and its social media network.


General conditions: We offer a 4 weeks residency, free accommodation in an apartment in Tirana, a flight ticket (economy class) and a monthly fellowship of 800.00 EUR to cover living expenses.  During the residency, translator is expected to work intensively on the literary translation project with which he/she applied for the programme, to take part in events or activities of POETEKA, and to network with colleagues and with other residents.  


Eligibility:  POETEKA  welcome  proposals  from  literary  translators  working  already  or  intending  to  work  out  of Albanian into any EU language. Eligible translators should be citizens of any EU country.


Translation  in  Motion  is  a  programme  that  aims  to  enrich  and  intensify  the  flow  of  translated  literature  in contemporary   Europe,  and  specifically  between  the  Western  Balkans  countries  and  the  EU  member  states. Recognizing that literary translators are influential and driven ambassadors of cultural dialogue, this programme will provide international mobility and professional development.

The residencies offer translators time for focused creative work on a literary  translation project, the opportunity to immerse themselves in the source language of their translation and carry out research, and to raise their visibility by networking with the local literary sector and presenting their work to local audiences.  


Please see the RECIT website (www.re-cit.org)  for details of other residency opportunities in Arles (France), Belgrade (Serbia), Cetinje (Montenegro), Gotland (Sweden), Skopje (Macedonia), Sofia (Bulgaria), Norwich (UK) and Ventspils (Latvia). 

In  the  light  of  COVID19,  all  residency  dates  are  provisional  and  will  depend  on  the  lifting  of  restrictions  on international travel and local lockdowns. Each residency host will ensure that COVID-­secure measures are in  place, according to the guidelines of the government and relevant authorities.

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